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O que é Spatial Presence?

     O conceito original de Presence de Marvin Minski (1980) tornou-se progressivamente mais complexo até existir a necessidade de criar subdivisões. Alguns autores, como Kwan Min Lee (2004) distinguem entre physical presence, social presence e spatial presence. Spatial presence é o conceito que tem recebido mais atenção, talvez pela sua variedade de aplicações dentro dos media num mundo progressivamente mais tecnológico.

"Spatial Presence is probably the subtype that has received most attention from researchers, which may be due to its close relationship with Minski’s (1980) foundational considerations on machine-mediated tele-operations that function effectively if the human users feel located at the place of operation.(...)Another reason for the concept’s prominence is certainly the wide range of media applications that benefit from the capacity to induce Spatial Presence. For instance, Spatial Presence has been proposed as a precondition for effective telemedical services (...). Spatial Presence is also a driving component of media enjoyment, for instance, in players of video games(...)Numerous further examples will come to the readers’ mind immediately, because Spatial Presence is important in any kind of simulation application (...), and there is a virtually infi nite number of domains in which effective simulation is desirable."

Spatial Presence Theory:

State of The Art and Challenges Ahead

Pág. 116

     Spatial Presence é geralmente copreendida como a percepção ou ilusão de estar fisicamente inserido num espaço mediado por tecnologia, é a sensação de um espaço fabricado ser real, de estar rodeado pelo media e não em contacto com ele.

"Spatial Presence is a genuine experience. People may feel spatially present in nonmediated natural environments (...). However, Spatial Presence is usually referring to an experience that is generated by human-made technologies, namely media systems(...).(...)If spatially present, users feel located in a mediatedspace, even though they are not. Instead of maintaining a critical distance to the media (...), users start feeling surrounded by the media environment (...) and being temporarily less aware of the technological source of their experience. Consequently, if spatially present, “the medium […] appears to be […] transparent […] as a large open window, with the user and the medium content (objects and entities) sharing the same physical environment” (Lombard and Ditton 1997 ).

     Accordingly, Spatial Presence can be defi ned as the subjective experience of auser or onlooker to be physically located in a mediated space"

Spatial Presence Theory:

State of The Art and Challenges Ahead

Pág. 117

     Com a capacidade cada vez maior dos media de recriar fielmente imagens e ambientes, desde gráficos avançados à realidade virtual, o conceito tem vindo a ganhar relevância, mas este não é único fator determinante para que se dê a experiência de Spatial Presence nos media, a relação do utilizador com o ambiente digital também importante.

Presence, Explicated por K.M. Lee

Telepresence por Marvin Minsky

Telepresence em Encyclopedia of Multimedia por Xiaojun Shen e Shervin Shirmohammadi

Spatial Presence Theory:State of The Art and Challenges Ahead por Tilo Hartmann e outros

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