Spatial Presence em Video Jogos
Imaginar o modo como Spatial Presence se aplica em vídeo jogos não é particularmente difícil, dado o modo como interagimos com eles e a variedade sensorial, emocial e cognitiva que oferecem. De acordo com as diversas referências discutidas podemos identificar alguns fatores relevantes à sensação de Spatial Presence nos jogos. Segundo alguns autores podemos também identificar algumas cracterísticas do jogador que podem facilitar Spatial Presence:
"Of course, players have some say in how immersed they get in a game. Some people just have more spatial ability and can build those mental models of game worlds more readily and make them more vibrant. And researchers have found that people have an ‘absorption trait’ which means that they’re quicker to get fascinated by something and drawn into it – something I like to think of this as ‘the fanboy gene’.
Other times the player takes a more active role. Some players simply want to believe in the illusion and will induce their own bias towards accepting the ‘I am there’ hypothesis. In this state, they’ll require less confirmatory information to accept that hypothesis and less ‘disconfirming’ information to reject it.(...)
Other researchers have also pointed to a concept they call ‘involvement’ which is a media user’s desire to act in the make-believe world, to draw parallels between it and his life, and to effect changes in it according to their own design. To me, this seems like an overly fancy way of saying ‘some people like to role-play’ which leads directly to greater immersion."
Estimulação dos Sentidos
Interação com o Mundo Virtual
Consistência das Regras do Mundo
Ambientes Calmos (artigo)
Qualidade da Informação Sensorial
Perspetiva Egocêntrica
Suspensão de Descrença
Narrativa Emocionalmente Envolvente
Spatial Presence Theory:State of The Art and Challenges Ahead por Tilo Hartmann e outros
The Role of Emotional Involvement and Trait Absorption in the Formation of Spatial Presence por Werner Wirth e Matthias Hofer
Calmness In Virtual Enviornments Enhance User´s Spatial Presence Experience por Nadia Muhaiyuddin e Dayang Rambli
The Role of Spatial Presence in Video Games por Jamie Madigan